Best Website Design and Digital Marketing for Plumbing: Industry-Specific Content, Marketing Campaigns, and Customer Testimonials

Are you a plumbing business owner looking to improve your online presence? In today’s digital age, having a well-designed website and effective digital marketing strategy is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

When it comes to website content for plumbing businesses, it’s important to showcase your services, experience, and expertise. Consider including a page dedicated to your services, with detailed descriptions and pricing. You may also want to feature a portfolio of your work, customer testimonials, and a blog with industry news and tips. Additionally, getting listed in consumer resources such as Angie’s List and other directories can help boost your visibility and credibility.

In terms of digital marketing, there are many platforms and campaigns that can be effective for plumbing businesses. Consider utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to showcase your work and engage with customers. You may also want to invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your website’s ranking on Google. Industry-specific content ideas could include educational videos on DIY plumbing repairs, or blog posts on the benefits of regular plumbing maintenance. And don’t forget about the power of customer reviews – encouraging satisfied customers to post testimonials on platforms like Nextdoor can help attract new business.

Importance of a Good Website

A good website is essential for any business, including plumbing companies. A well-designed website can help you establish a strong online presence, attract new customers, and showcase your services. Here are some reasons why having a good website is important for your plumbing business:

  • Professionalism: A well-designed website can help you establish your business as a professional and trustworthy service provider. It can give potential customers a sense of confidence in your abilities and expertise.

  • Brand Identity: Your website can help you create a strong brand identity that sets you apart from your competitors. A visually appealing design and a clear message can help you communicate your unique value proposition and build brand recognition.

  • User Experience: A good website should be easy to navigate and provide a positive user experience. This means that visitors should be able to find the information they need quickly and easily, and the website should be optimized for mobile devices.

  • Functionality: Your website should be functional and reliable. It should load quickly, have clear calls to action, and be easy to update and maintain.

When designing a website for your plumbing business, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your target audience. You may want to include content such as:

  • A list of your services, including emergency plumbing services, drain cleaning, and water heater repair.
  • Testimonials from satisfied customers, which can help build trust and credibility.
  • A blog with helpful tips and advice for maintaining plumbing systems.
  • Contact information and a clear call to action, such as a “Request a Quote” button.

In terms of digital marketing platforms, there are several options that may be relevant for your plumbing business. For example:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing your website for search engines can help you rank higher in search results and attract more organic traffic. This may involve keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC advertising can be an effective way to drive targeted traffic to your website. You can create ads that appear in search results or on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

  • Social Media Marketing: Social media can be a great way to engage with customers and build brand awareness. You can use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to share helpful content, promote your services, and interact with customers.

By leveraging these digital marketing platforms and creating valuable content for your website, you can establish a strong online presence and attract new customers to your plumbing business. Don’t forget to also consider getting listed in consumer resources such as Angie’s List and other directories, as well as encouraging customers to post testimonials about your work on social media platforms like Nextdoor.

Key Elements of Plumbing Website Design

When designing a plumbing website, there are several key elements that should be included to ensure a user-friendly experience and effective digital marketing. Here are some sub-sections to consider:

User-Friendly Navigation

A plumbing website should have clear and easy-to-use navigation so that visitors can quickly find the information they need. This can include a top-level menu with dropdowns for specific services, a search bar, and a footer with links to important pages.

Consistent Branding

Consistent branding is important for any business, including plumbing companies. The website should use the same colors, fonts, and logos as other marketing materials to create a cohesive brand identity.

Effective Calls to Action

Calls to action (CTAs) are essential for converting website visitors into customers. A plumbing website should have clear and prominent CTAs throughout the site, such as “Schedule a Service” or “Get a Quote.”

Contact Information

Contact information should be easy to find on a plumbing website, including a phone number, email address, and physical address. Some websites may also include a contact form for visitors to fill out.

List of Services

A plumbing website should have a comprehensive list of services offered, along with descriptions and pricing information where applicable. This helps visitors understand what services are available and what they can expect to pay.

Photos and Visuals

Photos and visuals can help make a plumbing website more engaging and visually appealing. This can include photos of the team, before-and-after photos of completed projects, and subtle animations to draw attention to important information.

In addition to these key elements, there are several digital marketing platforms and campaign ideas that are relevant to plumbing businesses. For example, getting listed in consumer resources such as Angie’s List and other directories can help improve visibility and credibility. Encouraging customers to post testimonials about your work on social media platforms like Nextdoor can also be an effective marketing tactic.

Overall, a user-friendly plumbing website with clear navigation, consistent branding, effective CTAs, contact information, a list of services, and engaging visuals can help attract and convert potential customers.

Optimizing Your Website for SEO

Making sure your plumbing website is optimized for search engines is crucial for attracting new customers. Here are some tips for optimizing your website for SEO:

Keyword Optimization

One of the most important aspects of SEO is keyword optimization. This means including relevant keywords throughout your website’s content, including in your page titles, headings, and meta descriptions. For a plumbing website, some relevant keywords might include “plumbing services,” “emergency plumbing,” and “water heater repair.”

Mobile Responsiveness

With more and more people using their smartphones to access the internet, having a mobile-responsive website is essential for SEO. This means that your website should be designed to look and function well on mobile devices, with easy-to-read text, clear navigation, and fast load times.

Website Speed

Website speed is another important factor in SEO. A slow-loading website can lead to high bounce rates and lower search engine rankings. To improve your website’s speed, make sure your images are optimized for the web, use a content delivery network (CDN), and minimize the use of plugins and other third-party tools.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your plumbing website is optimized for search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you online. Additionally, consider getting listed in consumer resources such as Angie’s List and other directories, and encourage customers to post testimonials about your work on Nextdoor and other social media platforms.

Showcasing Trust and Credibility

As a plumbing business, establishing trust and credibility with potential customers is crucial. By showcasing your expertise, certifications, and awards, as well as highlighting customer testimonials, you can build a strong reputation and attract new business.

Customer Testimonials

One of the most effective ways to showcase trust and credibility is by featuring customer testimonials on your website. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms such as Nextdoor or Angie’s List, and then feature these reviews on your website. This will show potential customers that you have a track record of providing high-quality service.

Certifications and Awards

Another way to establish trust and credibility is by highlighting any certifications or awards your business has earned. For example, if your business is a member of the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association, you should prominently display this on your website. Similarly, if you have won any awards for your service or expertise, be sure to showcase these as well.

By showcasing your certifications and awards, you demonstrate to potential customers that you are a reputable and trustworthy business.

Remember, the key to building trust and credibility is by providing exceptional customer service. Make sure your website reflects your commitment to providing top-notch service, and be sure to respond promptly to customer inquiries and concerns. By doing so, you’ll establish a strong reputation in the plumbing industry and attract new business.

Choosing the Right Platform for Your Website

When it comes to building a website for your plumbing business, choosing the right platform is crucial. There are many options available, but we recommend considering WordPress, Squarespace, or a custom-built website.


WordPress is a popular platform for building websites, and for good reason. It’s user-friendly, customizable, and has a large community of developers who create plugins and themes to enhance the functionality and design of your website. There are also many templates available specifically for plumbing businesses, which can save you time and money.


Squarespace is another popular website builder that offers a range of templates and features to create a professional-looking website. It’s easy to use and has a drag-and-drop interface that makes it simple to create pages and add content. Squarespace also offers built-in features for e-commerce, which can be useful if you plan to sell plumbing supplies or products on your website.

Custom Built

If you have specific design or functionality requirements for your website, a custom-built website may be the best option. This will allow you to have complete control over the design and functionality of your website, and ensure that it meets your specific needs.

No matter which platform you choose, it’s important to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly, optimized for search engines, and includes clear calls-to-action to encourage visitors to contact you for plumbing services.

In addition to your website, there are many digital marketing platforms and campaign ideas that can help you reach potential customers. Some industry-specific ideas include creating how-to videos for common plumbing problems, offering free plumbing inspections or consultations, and partnering with local home improvement stores to offer discounts or promotions.

Getting listed in consumer resources such as Angie’s List and other directories can also help increase your visibility and credibility, while encouraging customers to post testimonials about your work on social media platforms like Nextdoor can help build trust and attract new customers.

By choosing the right platform for your website and implementing effective digital marketing strategies, you can grow your plumbing business and attract more customers.

Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Plumbing Businesses

As a plumbing business owner, it’s important to have a strong online presence that showcases your services and expertise. Here are some effective digital marketing strategies to help you reach your target audience and grow your business.

Social Media Marketing

Social media can be a powerful tool for plumbing businesses to connect with potential customers and build brand awareness. Consider setting up social media profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Share photos and videos of your work, post informative articles related to plumbing, and engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages.

You can also use social media to run targeted ads to reach people in your local area who may be in need of plumbing services. For example, you can target homeowners who are experiencing plumbing issues or people who have recently moved into the area.

Email Marketing

Email marketing can be an effective way to stay in touch with your existing customers and keep them informed about your services. Consider sending out a monthly newsletter that includes helpful tips and advice related to plumbing, as well as promotions and discounts.

You can also use email marketing to follow up with customers after a job is completed and ask for feedback or reviews. Positive reviews can be a powerful marketing tool that can help attract new customers.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be a great way to drive traffic to your website and generate leads. Consider running ads on search engines like Google or Bing that target keywords related to plumbing services in your local area.

You can also use PPC advertising to target people who have visited your website but haven’t yet contacted you for services. Retargeting ads can help keep your business top of mind and encourage potential customers to take action.

By implementing these digital marketing strategies, you can effectively reach your target audience and grow your plumbing business. Don’t forget to also consider getting listed in consumer resources such as Angie’s List and other directories, and encouraging customers to post testimonials about your work on platforms like Nextdoor.

Leveraging Customer Reviews and Directories

As a plumbing business, getting listed in consumer resources such as Angie’s List and other directories can be a great way to attract potential customers. Additionally, encouraging satisfied customers to post testimonials about your work on Nextdoor, a social media platform, can help you build a positive reputation in the community.

Angie’s List

Angie’s List is a popular online directory that allows potential clients to search for local service providers. By getting listed on Angie’s List, you can increase your visibility to potential customers who are specifically looking for plumbing services. To get listed on Angie’s List, you will need to create a profile and provide information about your business, including your services, service area, and contact information.

Next Door

Nextdoor is a social media platform that connects neighbors and local businesses. Encouraging satisfied customers to post testimonials about your work on Nextdoor can help you build a positive reputation in the community. You can also use Nextdoor to advertise your services and connect with potential customers in your area.

Google My Business

Google My Business is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including search and maps. By creating a Google My Business profile, you can increase your visibility to potential customers who are searching for plumbing services in your area. Your profile will include information such as your business name, address, phone number, and hours of operation.

In summary, getting listed in directories such as Angie’s List, encouraging satisfied customers to post testimonials on Nextdoor, and creating a Google My Business profile can help you attract potential customers and build a positive reputation in the community. By leveraging customer reviews and directories, you can increase your visibility and grow your plumbing business.

Tracking Performance with Analytics

To ensure the success of your website design and digital marketing efforts, it’s important to track your performance with analytics. By analyzing your website traffic and digital marketing campaigns, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your strategies for maximum ROI.

One of the most important tools for tracking website performance is Google Analytics. This free tool allows you to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. By analyzing this data, you can identify which pages are most popular, which campaigns are driving the most traffic, and which channels are generating the most leads.

Another important metric to track is lead generation. By tracking the number of leads generated through your website and digital marketing campaigns, you can determine the effectiveness of your strategies and make adjustments as needed. This can include tracking the number of form submissions, phone calls, and email inquiries generated through your website.

In addition to tracking website performance, it’s also important to monitor your online reputation. This can include getting listed in consumer resources such as Angie’s List and other directories, as well as encouraging customers to post testimonials about your work on social media platforms like Nextdoor. By monitoring your online reputation, you can identify areas for improvement and address any negative feedback quickly and effectively.

Overall, tracking performance with analytics is essential for any plumbing business looking to succeed in today’s digital landscape. By leveraging the power of Google Analytics and other tools, you can optimize your website and digital marketing campaigns for maximum ROI and lead generation.

Industry-Specific Content Marketing Opportunities

When it comes to content marketing for plumbing businesses, there are several industry-specific opportunities to consider. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Plumbing Services

One of the most effective ways to market plumbing services is by creating informative content that helps customers understand common plumbing problems and how to solve them. For example, you could create blog posts or videos that cover topics like “How to Fix a Leaky Faucet” or “What to Do When Your Toilet Won’t Flush.” By providing valuable information, you can position your business as a trusted authority in the plumbing industry and attract new customers.

2. Plumbing Emergencies

Plumbing emergencies can be stressful and overwhelming for customers, which is why it’s important to create content that helps them prepare for these situations. For example, you could create a guide that outlines what to do in the event of a burst pipe or a flooded basement. By providing this information, you can help customers feel more prepared and confident in their ability to handle plumbing emergencies.

3. Successful Plumbing Website

In order to attract new customers, it’s important to have a website that is both visually appealing and easy to navigate. Consider creating content that helps customers understand what makes a successful plumbing website, such as tips for choosing the right colors and fonts or advice on how to create a user-friendly layout. By providing this information, you can help customers feel more confident in their ability to create a website that effectively represents their business.

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a powerful tool for plumbing businesses, as it allows you to create valuable content that attracts and engages customers. Consider creating a blog or video series that covers topics like “How to Choose the Right Plumbing Fixtures” or “The Benefits of Regular Plumbing Maintenance.” By providing this information, you can position your business as a trusted authority in the plumbing industry and attract new customers.

Overall, there are many industry-specific content marketing opportunities for plumbing businesses to consider. By creating informative and engaging content, you can attract new customers, build brand awareness, and position your business as a leader in the plumbing industry.

Case Studies of Successful Plumbing Websites

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing’s website stands out with its clear and concise messaging. They offer upfront pricing, 24/7 emergency service, and a satisfaction guarantee. Their content includes helpful tips and articles on plumbing maintenance, repair, and installation. They also have a blog that covers industry news, trends, and innovations.

GM Plumbing Corporation

GM Plumbing Corporation’s website has a modern and professional design. They showcase their services, certifications, and awards prominently on the homepage. They also have a portfolio of their previous projects, which helps potential customers see their capabilities and expertise. Their content includes how-to guides, FAQs, and customer testimonials.

Mr. Rooter Plumbing

Mr. Rooter Plumbing’s website has a friendly and approachable tone. They use colorful graphics and illustrations to explain plumbing concepts and procedures. They also have a section called “Ask a Plumber,” where customers can submit their questions and get personalized answers from their experts. Their content includes videos, infographics, and social media posts.

Plumb London

Plumb London’s website has a minimalist and elegant design. They have a clear navigation menu that directs visitors to their services, pricing, and contact information. They also have a section called “Plumbing Advice,” where they share their knowledge and experience with common plumbing issues. Their content includes case studies, whitepapers, and e-books.

The Pink Plumber

The Pink Plumber’s website has a unique and memorable branding. They use a pink color scheme and a female plumber mascot to differentiate themselves from their competitors. They also have a section called “Pink Tips,” where they offer practical and humorous advice on plumbing problems. Their content includes podcasts, webinars, and contests.

A-Total Plumbing

A-Total Plumbing’s website has a user-friendly and responsive design. They have a chatbot that greets visitors and assists them with their inquiries. They also have a section called “Our Story,” where they share their history, mission, and values. Their content includes testimonials, reviews, and ratings from their satisfied customers.

Absolute Plumbing

Absolute Plumbing’s website has a clean and organized layout. They have a search bar that allows visitors to find specific information quickly. They also have a section called “Plumbing Resources,” where they provide links to relevant industry associations, publications, and events. Their content includes podcasts, webinars, and courses.

Aspen Mountain Plumbing

Aspen Mountain Plumbing’s website has a rustic and natural theme. They use images of mountains, trees, and wildlife to convey their commitment to environmental sustainability. They also have a section called “Green Plumbing,” where they showcase their eco-friendly products and services. Their content includes blog posts, newsletters, and social media updates.

Atlas Plumbing NYC

Atlas Plumbing NYC’s website has an informative and educational approach. They have a section called “Plumbing School,” where they teach visitors how to perform basic plumbing tasks. They also have a section called “Plumbing Glossary,” where they define plumbing terms and jargon. Their content includes how-to videos, animations, and interactive quizzes.

Bay Plumbing Co

Bay Plumbing Co’s website has a local and community-oriented focus. They use images of their service area, landmarks, and events to connect with their customers. They also have a section called “Meet Our Team,” where they introduce their staff and their backgrounds. Their content includes customer stories, testimonials, and referrals.

FD Plumbing

FD Plumbing’s website has a personalized and customer-centric approach. They have a section called “Your Plumbing Needs,” where they ask visitors about their specific plumbing issues and offer customized solutions. They also have a section called “Plumbing Savings,” where they provide discounts, coupons, and promotions. Their content includes case studies, before-and-after photos, and customer reviews.

O’Neill Plumbing Company

O’Neill Plumbing Company’s website has a straightforward and no-nonsense design. They have a section called “Our Services,” where they list their plumbing specialties and their service areas. They also have a section called “Our Guarantee,” where they promise to deliver high-quality workmanship and customer service. Their content includes FAQs, safety tips, and industry news.

Rise Up Plumbing Dubai

Rise Up Plumbing Dubai’s website has a bold and energetic vibe. They use images of skyscrapers, sports, and culture to showcase their city and their values. They also have a section called “Plumbing Innovations,” where they highlight their latest tools, techniques, and technologies. Their content includes podcasts, webinars, and interviews.

Quix Plumbing Service

Quix Plumbing Service’s website has a humorous and entertaining tone. They use cartoons, memes, and jokes to engage their visitors and make them smile. They also have a section called “Plumbing Myths,” where they debunk common misconceptions about plumbing. Their content includes quizzes, games, and contests.

SE Plumbing


Suggested Content for Plumbing Website

When creating a website for a plumbing business, it is important to include content that is specific to the industry. Here are some suggested content ideas:

  • Services: Clearly list the plumbing services that your business offers.
  • About Us: Share the history of your business, your team, and your values.
  • Testimonials: Include customer testimonials and reviews to build trust with potential customers.
  • FAQs: Answer common questions that customers may have about your services.
  • Blog: Create a blog section to share industry news, plumbing tips, and DIY guides.

Industry-Specific Content Marketing Opportunities

Plumbing businesses have a variety of content marketing opportunities to reach potential customers. Here are some ideas:

  • DIY Guides: Create guides for common plumbing issues that homeowners can fix themselves.
  • Video Tutorials: Create video tutorials to demonstrate how to fix common plumbing issues.
  • Infographics: Create infographics to explain plumbing concepts and share statistics.
  • Case Studies: Share case studies of successful plumbing projects that your business has completed.

Digital Marketing Platforms and Campaign Ideas

There are several digital marketing platforms and campaign ideas that can be effective for plumbing businesses. Here are some examples:

  • Google Ads: Use Google Ads to target customers searching for plumbing services in your area.
  • Facebook Ads: Use Facebook Ads to target homeowners in your service area.
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list of customers and send regular newsletters with promotions and updates.
  • Social Media: Use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to share content and engage with customers.


Creating a website and digital marketing strategy for a plumbing business can help attract new customers and grow your business. By including industry-specific content and utilizing digital marketing platforms, you can reach potential customers and build trust with your audience. Getting listed in consumer resources like Angie’s List and other directories, as well as encouraging customers to post testimonials on social media platforms like Nextdoor, can also help build credibility and attract new business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective ways to market a plumbing business online?

Plumbing businesses can use a variety of digital marketing strategies to reach potential customers. Some effective ways to market a plumbing business online include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

What kind of content should be included on a plumbing website to attract customers?

A plumbing website should include content that is informative, helpful, and relevant to potential customers. This can include information about the services offered, service areas, pricing, and contact information. Other helpful content can include blog posts about common plumbing problems and how to solve them, FAQs, and customer testimonials.

How can a plumbing business optimize their website for search engines?

Optimizing a plumbing website for search engines involves several strategies, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. Plumbing businesses should focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that includes target keywords, optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, and building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

What are some industry-specific content marketing opportunities for plumbing businesses?

Plumbing businesses can take advantage of several industry-specific content marketing opportunities, such as creating how-to videos on common plumbing problems, publishing blog posts about industry news and trends, and offering free downloadable resources like plumbing checklists and maintenance guides.

What digital marketing platforms are most relevant for promoting a plumbing business?

Digital marketing platforms that are most relevant for promoting a plumbing business include search engines like Google and Bing, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and review sites like Angie’s List and Yelp. Plumbing businesses can also use email marketing to reach out to potential customers and keep in touch with existing ones.

How can a plumbing business encourage customers to leave positive reviews on social media and consumer directories?

Plumbing businesses can encourage customers to leave positive reviews on social media and consumer directories by providing excellent service, asking for feedback, and making it easy for customers to leave reviews. Plumbing businesses can also offer incentives like discounts or free services for customers who leave reviews. Nextdoor is a social media platform that is popular for local recommendations and reviews, making it a great place for plumbing businesses to encourage customers to post testimonials about their work.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are some effective ways to market a plumbing business online?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Plumbing businesses can use a variety of digital marketing strategies to reach potential customers. Some effective ways to market a plumbing business online include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What kind of content should be included on a plumbing website to attract customers?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

A plumbing website should include content that is informative, helpful, and relevant to potential customers. This can include information about the services offered, service areas, pricing, and contact information. Other helpful content can include blog posts about common plumbing problems and how to solve them, FAQs, and customer testimonials.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How can a plumbing business optimize their website for search engines?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Optimizing a plumbing website for search engines involves several strategies, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. Plumbing businesses should focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that includes target keywords, optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, and building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What are some industry-specific content marketing opportunities for plumbing businesses?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Plumbing businesses can take advantage of several industry-specific content marketing opportunities, such as creating how-to videos on common plumbing problems, publishing blog posts about industry news and trends, and offering free downloadable resources like plumbing checklists and maintenance guides.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What digital marketing platforms are most relevant for promoting a plumbing business?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Digital marketing platforms that are most relevant for promoting a plumbing business include search engines like Google and Bing, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and review sites like Angie’s List and Yelp. Plumbing businesses can also use email marketing to reach out to potential customers and keep in touch with existing ones.

“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How can a plumbing business encourage customers to leave positive reviews on social media and consumer directories?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Plumbing businesses can encourage customers to leave positive reviews on social media and consumer directories by providing excellent service, asking for feedback, and making it easy for customers to leave reviews. Plumbing businesses can also offer incentives like discounts or free services for customers who leave reviews. Nextdoor is a social media platform that is popular for local recommendations and reviews, making it a great place for plumbing businesses to encourage customers to post testimonials about their work.


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